Security Specialist


The next step in server and application security is the Security Specialist certification. The Security Specialist Certificate is a must-have for every security professional. It provides you with a competitive advantage.


Online Examination

The Security Specialist certification guarantees you understand the most common security threats for web applications and servers, are able to perform a port scan and software version scan and that you are able to find and prevent Cross Site Scripting, advanced SQL Injection and advanced Path Traversal.

Step 1: Connect The Packets

The first part of the Security Specialist certification: the “Connect the packets” quiz. If you have basic knowledge of network protocols you should be able to complete this challenge successfully without difficulty.

Step 2: Date My Ports

Date My Ports! This challenge evolves around the exclusive invite-only online dating service Match4all. Your SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting skills might help you to find your perfect match. You score 100% if you gain access to the admin interface of Match4all and you make your ideal match.

Step 3: Name That Vulnerability

The second quiz of the Security Specialist certification: Name that vulnerability! If you have basic knowledge of security threats on servers and websites you should be able to complete this challenge successfully without difficulty.