Certified Secure
LIVE Training
Just like our on-site trainings, the Certified Secure LIVE Online Trainings are based on our fun and hands-on security challenges. We have extended our platform with a new LIVE training system, integrating live streaming, real-time chat and of course personal (1 on 1) guidance from our expert instructors.
Using our brand new Certified Secure LIVE training system, we are able to deliver a fun and highly interactive training straight from your browser, no nasty extra software required!
Our trainings cover the full spectrum, ranging from basic security awareness (phishing, ransomware) to the state-of-art Kubernetes, web application security, reverse engineering and forensic cybercrime trainings.
How does a Hacker look at your organization? How difficult (or easy) is hacking in the real world? Discover your own Hacker Mindset in the Certified Secure Experience trainings. The Certified Secure Experience trainings provide all participants with an easily accessible, fun and relevant introduction in the world of cybersecurity.
View all Certified Secure Experience trainingsHands-On
During the Certified Secure hands-on trainings, the participants will work hands-on with various selected Certified Secure challenges. The Certified Secure instructor will provide the participants with expert guidance and extensive support for all the covered subjects. By experiencing security in a hands-on fashion, all the participants are able to develop their Hacker Mindset and applied cybersecurity skills.
View all Certified Secure Hands-On TrainingsMore Information
Thanks for your interest in our Certified Secure LIVE trainings! Complete the form displayed below and we will contact you as soon as possible. We are also directly reachable at +31 70 3101340 or via email at info@certifiedsecure.com. Our privacy statement is applicable to this form.